Everything Imaginable

Manuela Stoerzer - transcendental Experiences for Life Changing Perspectives...

Episode Summary

Http://manuelastoerzer.com. In the book section there’s a little intro to the book that made our contact. It is called headless chicken, a story about three months in the Amazon, Ayahuasca, and old stories. After a burnout, divorce and cancer in 2000 I kind of changed everything (Had been running a publishing company downtown Munich, marriage, kids, everything, however, the typical running behind wishes and dreams scenario) and without planning it, became a life coach, later model and actress. I experienced this Phoenix out of the Ashes situations and started trusting the process. In 2015 I spontaneously went to the Amazon rainforest to translate for Shaman‘s during respectively after ayahuasca ceremonies during three months. My intention was to learn from myself and clients. At the end I participated during 19 ceremonies myself. The book is about my background stories that created the filters how I see the world end the messages during the ceremonies. Recently I’m all into music since I receive lyrics over and over again. Taking it easy…

Episode Notes
