Everything Imaginable

Diana Muenz Chen - How to Channel Loved and Ones and Spirit Guides.

Episode Summary

About Diana Muenz Chen In 1986, Diana began to channel professionally and has had a private practice since that time. She presently channels her Higher Self affectionately called Lady Diana, and also Archangel Michael. Since 1986, Diana has expanded her skills to include the following credentials: Interfaith Minister, Barbara Brennan Healing Science graduate and teacher, Somatic Experiencing Practitioner and Core Energetics Therapist. To further people's connection to the spirit realm, Diana and Archangel Michael direct a channeling school called "The Open Heart School," which was founded in 1988. They firmly believe that everyone can learn to communicate with the spirit realm. They continue to lead many different types of classes to assist people to grow spiritually. As an adjunct to the school's curriculum, Diana and her spirit guides authored the channeling textbook entitled "Channeling: The Heart & The Art" and along with David Schwerin "Know Your Soul: Bring Joy to Your Life." A couple highlights of Diana's career: She taught Anatomy of the Soul workshops, a curriculum developed by Archangel Michael, to Columbia University psychology graduates in 2014 and 2017; starred in an NBC prime time television special with co-anchorwoman Sue Simmons featuring Shirley MacLaine; and established a channeling school in Toronto, Canada.

Episode Notes

